Browning Hosts First Certamen of School Year

“Certamen” is the Latin word for “competition” and is used by a group of interschool teams to describe a quiz bowl contest that happens twice each year, as reported by Brett Wisniewski, teacher of Greek and Latin: Teams from Spence, Nightingale, Brearley, Chapin and Browning meet to answers rounds of questions about Latin grammar, ancient history, Greek and Roman mythology and related fields. The most recent Certamen, hosted here at Browning on November 1, was organized by Form VI of the Latin Club.

There was a strong turnout from each school. The contest lasted seven rounds with questions prepared and read by Classics faculties from each school. Despite some fierce competition for second place between Browning and Spence, the game was won by the break-away team from Nightingale, who took home the bronze laurel wreath as prize. We hope to get a chance to win it for Browning this spring, when Spence will host.
