Mock Trial Team Has Best Season Ever!

The Mock Trial team had its best season in Browning history, according to Marcia Wallace, advisor to the boys, who reports: The Browning team participated in a tournament with over 110 schools, both public and private, representing all five boroughs of New York City. After winning solidly in Rounds 1 and 2 against The Yeshiva University High School for Boys and The Bronx High School for Law and Community Service, our team received a bye for Round 3 as one of the 16 highest-ranked teams of the remaining 48. Browning's win against The Bronx High School for Science in Round 4 was an outstanding accomplishment!

The team collided in Round 5 with The High School for American Studies at Lehman College; it was "a match for the ages," as described by the team's lawyer/coach and past parent, Katherine Weinhoff. The judge that night stated, "This evening's trial was the very best competition I have ever been a part of, and there are lawyers out there who are being paid every day but do not handle objections or see the broader picture at the level of today's participants." The boys are proud to have concluded the season seeded #6 of the 16 teams going into this match up. The presence of three Form VI boys who have been a part of the program since Form II provided an exceptional amount of leadership and experience for the younger team members to emulate.

Click Here to read a related story about Browning's mock trial team at an Upper School assembly.
