2015 Lower School Science Exhibition

Science Department Chair Sam Keany reports that the Lower School Science Exhibition on May 13 was an excellent example of collaboration among many members and departments of the School. On display were projects focused on such fascinating subjects as bubbles, hermit crabs, scissors, cabbage water, jump roping, dissection of squids, owl pellets and the ever-popular frog, to name just a few. The boys are always eager to explain in exacting detail what they have achieved, as proud parents listen carefully and capture the moment with cell phone cameras. Classroom teachers, siblings and older Browning boys are also eager to view the culmination of the Lower School boys’ work. Teachers and boys are thankful for support from the library staff and technology department, as well as the maintenance and cafeteria staff, all of whom contribute to a morning of scientific discovery and sharing of knowledge.

Mr. Keany said, “I continue to be impressed with the scientific creativity of some of our youngest boys. These experiments show most boys that arrangements seldom work out exactly as planned, that modifications are frequently necessary, and that there are surprising things to learn from even simple experiments.”

Head of Lower School Laurie Gruhn added, “The Lower School Science Exhibition is an amazing annual event that exemplifies how well our youngest boys have mastered careful and thoughtful problem-solving, along with the process of the scientific method. They have learned valuable lessons of following through, from hypothesis to conclusion, utilizing iPads and in some cases, live critters! The boys learned to plan creatively, think logically, articulate clearly and accept responsibility for their work.”
