Pre-Primary Play Emphasizes Cooperation in a Colorful Way!

Watching the Pre-primary play, “The Day the Crayons Quit,” was as much fun as opening a new box of fresh, never-before-used crayons! The boys’ colorful production, presented during a morning assembly on May 14, was based on the book by Drew Daywalt whose favorite crayon color, by the way, is black. The audience soon learned that these young crayon characters are tired and not getting along at all. For instance, blue needs a break from coloring the ocean in all those coloring books, while orange and yellow each think they are the real color of the sun.

Although each crayon color presents an argument for why he is the best, by the play’s conclusion, each realizes that no page in a coloring book is truly complete without all the hues working in harmony. As the song they sang says, “It’s great to work together...Shake hands today!”

Likewise, no stage production is successful without the help and cooperation of many; the play program noted, “Special thanks to our parents for helping us learn our lines, Ms. Warner for teaching us our fabulous song, Mr. Walker for his help with technology, and Ms. Zeuner for helping to coordinate practice space in the gym.”
