What is Target-Focused Teaching?

Target-Focused Teaching (TFT) is Browning’s unique way of ensuring deep learning in all boys. Composed of four, research-supported elements for deep learning, TFT ensures that our boys experience a rich curriculum that builds life-long knowledge and skills. 

The four elements are:

  1. Using the full range of rigor defined by Webb’s Depth of Knowledge scale—a vocabulary and frame of reference for levels of engagement with content

  2. Articulating learning targets

  3. Using formative and summative assessments

  4. Designing cycles of feedback and reflection

What is Depth of Knowledge?

In order to learn deeply and lastingly, we believe that a student needs both foundational knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge beyond school. 

In order to do so, boys must experience learning that travels through all four levels of Depth of Knowledge. For example, we do care about teaching the dates and facts that are learned in a traditional history classroom—even if they can be looked up online—because we believe having a command of that content within one’s own head allows a boy to feel both proud of his knowledge and form new lines of inquiry of his own.


History example:

Foundational knowledge -- memorizing dates and events (DoK Level 1)

Tool -- using Google Earth app to create a geography-based timeline (DoK Levels 2 and 3)

Transferable Skill -- Evaluating to what extent one event impacted another (DoK Levels 3 and 4)

What are learning targets?

Learning targets are the compass of our curriculum. They articulate where a student is trying to go in his learning. Our learning targets are written in three tiers: 

  • K-12 Subject Targets: what we are trying to teach across our K-12 curriculum

  • Grade-Level-Specific Targets: the skills and content we teach in a specific grade or course

  • Lesson Targets: the immediate content necessary for a specific lesson


What does assessment look like?

At Browning, we use a variety of assessments to determine whether a student has reached proficiency in a learning target. Tests, papers, quizzes, performances, interviews, presentations, process portfolios, lab papers, and discussions are all forms of assessment. 

The two categories of assessment we use to determine whether a student has reached proficiency in a learning target are:

  • Formative assessments: used to give feedback about learning so a student and teacher both know what to do next

  • Summative assessments: used to determine the level of proficiency a student has attained on one or more learning targets and often include a grade 

What are Cycles of Feedback?

Cycles of feedback are the hallmark of the Browning program. We give students learning targets and learning experiences, and then we give them feedback on how well their work met the target. The feedback is the catalyst for the student knowing what to do next in his learning. Often feedback is given in the form of a rubric and comment that shows where a student should focus his learning.

What motivates boys?

The true benefit of using the four elements of Target-Focused Teaching is increased motivation for boys. 

When a boy is motivated to learn because of the clear structure of his academic program, the relationships he has developed, and the nature of his assignments, then there is no stopping what he can do in this world.